
Cell Formatting – Video


Data are entered and managed in an Excel worksheet. The worksheet contains several rectangles called cells for entering numeric and nonnumeric data. Each cell in an Excel worksheet contains an address, which is defined by a column letter followed by a row number. For instance, the upper-left cell address is referenced as A1, with A representing the column letter and 1 representing the row number. The cell reference is displayed in the Name box and its contents will be displayed in the Formula bar.

When a cell is active, it is highlighted with a dark green border and will accept numeric and nonnumeric data. Likewise, the column letter and row number will also be shaded a different color to help you identify the active cell. Cells can be aligned, formatted, copied, moved, or deleted.


Merging and Centering Cells

Adding Borders to Cells

Changing the Background Color of a Cell


“Merging and centering cells.” By Study Hours. Retrieved from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FH7H57r4Oyw&list=PLGKyA5Ih-Sk_XNsKmYVqOuiYTTwIdv8Jj&index=32&t=0s Licensed under: CC-BY

“Adding borders to cells.” By Study Hours. Retrieved from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ES_EuUtRLx4&list=PLGKyA5Ih-Sk_XNsKmYVqOuiYTTwIdv8Jj&index=27&t=0s Licensed under: CC-BY

“Changing the background color of a cell.” By Study Hours. Retrieved from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aQzKMGRV218&list=PLGKyA5Ih-Sk_XNsKmYVqOuiYTTwIdv8Jj&index=26&t=0s Licensed under: CC-BY


COM112 – Fundamentals of Spreadsheets Copyright © by The American Women's College. All Rights Reserved.

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