MAX and MIN Functions
The MAX and MIN functions are statistical functions. These functions identify the highest (MAX) and lowest values(MIN) in a range of cells
The MAX and MIN functions are statistical functions. These functions identify the highest and lowest values in a range of cells. They are presented together because they function the same why and have similar syntax.
Syntax: = MAX (number1, [number2], [number3],….)
= MIN (number1, [number2], [number3],….)
The arguments for the MAX define which values are to be reviewed for the highest value within the range. The MIN will return the lowest value within the argument range. The arguments can be supplied as numbers, cell references, ranges, constants, and the results of other formulas or functions. The arguments shown in [ ] are optional to provide.
In this example, values are shown in column B, in the cells B1 through B10. Cell B12 will display the Maximum value.
The result in B12 would display 45. Likewise, if the minimum value was desired, the MIN function would be used and would be =MIN(B1:B10) and the result would display 1.
Arguments for MIN or MAX functions:
Arguments may be a single cell separated by commas or a range of cells and must be enclosed in parentheses, just like the SUM function previously learned. These functions allow a single argument (at a minimum) or multiple arguments.
Option to enter the function:
The MIN or MAX function can be found in the AutoSum dropdown list. This is because it they are very commonly used functions. The AutoSum dropdown list is found on the Home tab or on the Formulas tab.
Alternatively, the MIN and MAX functions are in the Statistical category and found by searching the category functions.
The MIN and MAX functions are part of the statistical function category. The MIN function returns the smallest value in a range, and the MAX function returns the largest value in a range.