3 MA DESE Professional Standards for Teachers

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Massachusetts Department of Education Professional Standards for Teachers

603 CMR 7.00:

Educator Licensure and Preparation Program Approval Regulations


  • 7.01: Purpose
  • 7.02: Definitions
  • 7.03: Educator Preparation Program Approval
  • 7.04: Types of Educator Licenses, Requirements for Licensure, Licenses Issued, and Requirements for Field-Based Experience
  • 7.05: Routes to an Initial Teacher License and Specialist Teacher Licenses
  • 7.06: Subject Matter Knowledge Requirements for Teachers
  • 7.07: Specialist Teacher Licenses
  • 7.08: Professional Standards for Teachers
  • 7.09: Licenses and Routes for Administrators
  • 7.10: Professional Standards for Administrative Leadership
  • 7.11: Professional Support Personnel Licenses
  • 7.12: Standards for Induction Programs for Teachers
  • 7.13: Standards for Induction Programs for Administrators
  • 7.14: Endorsements
  • 7.15: General Provisions


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