
Anti-Plagiarism Software Policy

Anti-plagiarism software is available to all full-time and part-time faculty members at Bay Path University. The software may be used as a teaching and learning tool for properly referencing sources or may be used for aiding in the detection of plagiarism. Faculty may choose to use this software in any manner they deem useful, unless it violates this policy or the license agreement with the vendor.  Under the license agreement, faculty:

  1. Are authorized to use anti-plagiarism software only in connection with classes offered in the Bay Path curriculum and only with Bay Path students. Faculty may not “rent, lease or provide access to or benefits from the Service to any other institution or individual;”
  2. Are prohibited from making statements that Bay Path is using anti-plagiarism software when the class is not registered with the software vendor
  3. Are required to maintain the confidentiality of any passwords and will read and comply with the usage and privacy policies;
  4. Agree to add the following statement to the syllabus of the class in which anti-plagiarism software is used:

“Students agree that by taking this course all required papers may be subject to submission for textual similarity review by anti-plagiarism software. All submitted papers will be included as source documents in reference databases solely for the purpose of detecting plagiarism of such papers. Use of anti-plagiarism software is subject to the Terms and Conditions of Use of the software vendor(s);” and

  1. Will require students in any class in which anti-plagiarism software is used, whether submission is by the faculty or the student, to include the following statement with each paper:

“I submit that this paper is entirely my own work and agree that it may be submitted to anti-plagiarism software for the purpose of checking for plagiarism and further that it may be maintained on the software vendor’s database in order to check for future plagiarism.”

Students will be informed in the Bay Path University Catalog and the Student Handbook that Bay Path University has this software and that faculty in individual classes may elect to use this software. Faculty members choosing to utilize anti-plagiarism software are encouraged to do so by enabling it for any individual assignment within the Canvas learning management system.


The American Women's College Teaching and Learning Handbook Copyright © by The American Women's College. All Rights Reserved.

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