
Submit an Incomplete Grade Request

If a student has discussed an incomplete grade with you, you can now initiate the request by logging into the new Bay Path platform, Pathify, to access the eForm.  Forms can be found under “Form Directory”—-“Faculty/Staff Form Directory.” This form can also be accessed by logging into the Portal, selecting the Faculty/Staff tab (top), Faculty folder (bottom-left) and then selecting “Incomplete Grade Request Form” under Faculty Links.Important Note: Faculty may only submit an Incomplete Grade Request if the student has already discussed an incomplete grade with their instructor, and if the student meets the minimum criteria for an incomplete grade as outlined in the TAWC Academic Catalog.

Once you have navigated to the form, you can select the course for which you would like to issue an incomplete grade. After the course has been selected, you can choose a student from your class roster and enter the reason for and terms of the incomplete grade request.

After you submit the request, the student will receive a copy of the form and be asked to accept or decline the terms of the incomplete grade. Please note that the student will have five days to review and respond to the request. If they do not respond by this time, their final grade will be changed to the default grade that you provided. Once the student accepts the terms, a copy of the agreement will be sent to the Registrar’s Office for processing.

Please note that incomplete grade requests must be initiated no later than the last day of the course.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this process, or if you have difficulty accessing the form, please reach out directly to registrar@baypath.edu. If you have any questions about how best to support any student in your course, please consult your Academic Program Director.


Incomplete Process

  • Student reaches out to the faculty member to request an incomplete no later than the last day of the course.
  • Faculty member checks to make sure the student is currently passing the course (gradebook must be up-to-date).
  • Faculty member completes the Incomplete Grade Request Form found on the Bay Path portal.
  • Student must respond to the terms of the incomplete within five days of the form completion.
  • Student has up to two weeks after the last day of the class to complete the outstanding assignment(s) as outlined on the Incomplete Form.
  • At the conclusion of the incomplete window, the faculty will grade all assignments.
  • Once the final grade is determined, the faculty member will email the Registrar to inform them of the updated grade.

Here is an example of the information the Registrar will require:

  • Student Name
  • Course Number and Section
  • New Grade



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