
Incomplete Policy

A grade of Incomplete is given to a student by a faculty member only when illness or some emergency keeps a student from completing the final projects or examinations in a course. In order for a student to be eligible for an incomplete grade, they must be passing the course at the time of their request. It is the student’s responsibility to make sure that the Incomplete Grade Request Form is completed and approved by the instructor and is filed with the Registrar’s Office.

To initiate an incomplete grade request, the student must contact their instructor no later than the last day of the course in question. The instructor will then submit an Incomplete Grade Request Form on behalf of the student, and the student must respond to the terms of the incomplete grade within five (5) days. An Incomplete must be resolved within two (2) weeks of the last day of the course. Only under special circumstances of health or other emergencies may the student petition the Assistant Dean for Curriculum and Instruction for an extension beyond this date. Any student that does not complete their outstanding work by the due date will have their incomplete grade changed to the default grade—which is the student’s earned grade as of the last day of the course.

For more detailed instructions on how to initiate the Incomplete Process, please review this section:  Submit an Incomplete Request


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