
Use Anti-Plagiarism Software

Turnitin is a plagiarism prevention system that makes it easy to identify students who submit unoriginal work. It acts as a powerful deterrent to stop plagiarism before it starts.  Turnitin is a software embedded into Canvas, and when students submit their work, it is checked against three different databases of content.

What is Turnitin ?

  • Turnitin is a web-based system that allows student papers to be submitted and checked for plagiarism.
  • The system compares student papers with sources available on the Internet, select commercial article databases, and papers submitted at Bay Path University.
  • Generates a Similarity Report that provides text matches and an indicative similarity score that will help you to understand the origin of student work.
  • Turnitin is not available outside of Canvas. Turnitin is intended to evaluate student assignments only.

Using Anti-Plagiarism Software:

Instructors are responsible for assessing student work not only for the quality of thought and expression, but also for academic integrity. To help prevent plagiarism and promote the correct use of sources, the University makes anti-plagiarism software available to faculty and students.

We use anti-plagiarism software in all of our courses that run in the learning management system, Canvas.  The anti-plagiarism software tool scans the internet for online content that matches student submissions.  It allows faculty to check the prevalence of a certain form of plagiarism, specifically, the use of words and phrases that are not the writer’s and that are not quoted and cited.  Note that the software tool simply identifies matches with other online content and that the faculty member will need to determine if passages identified by the anti-plagiarism software and other passages in students’ assignments are properly quoted and/or cited.

The anti-plagiarism report will display in Speedgrader and in the Grades area in Canvas. Instructors can click on a student’s anti-plagiarism report link to open the specific report for the assignment. Note that the display in Speedgrader will follow the color-coded conventions listed below.  More detailed information about using this anti-plagiarism tool can be found in the user guides below:

Anti-plagiarism Software Information for Faculty
Anti-plagiarism Software Information for Students

The color-coded ranges below indicate the level of matching text detected.

  • Blue: 0%
  • Green: 1-24%
  • Yellow: 25-49%
  • Orange: 50-74%
  • Red: 75-100%

Once the instructor clicks on the matching percentage, the report will open in a new window. This will display the report and the instructor can assess the specific details.

The following is a quick [6:22] tutorial video on how to use Turnitin in your Canvas classroom.



Additional Resource:


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