
The American Women’s College

Embracing the mission of Bay Path University, The American Women’s College (TAWC) empowers women to achieve success in college, careers, and life.  The American Women’s College provides high quality learning experiences, maintaining small class sizes so that students’ thoughts, questions and learning observations are heard.  Our award-winning SOUL program pairs innovative learning analytics with personalized instruction and support services so our faculty and academic advisors can anticipate and respond to students’ unique learning needs quickly.

We take great pride in helping hundreds of women every year reach their goal of earning their college degree.  We offer 40+ fully online undergraduate degrees and certificates, allowing students to complete their education anywhere.  Our on-campus, hybrid, and online accelerated degree completion programs allow diverse women to build on their strengths and seize opportunities for personal, professional, and financial growth. Courses provide students with a rich, dynamic, relevant, and engaging learning environment online and on-campus. Joining together, students, faculty, staff, and communities are engaged in an interdisciplinary learning environment that fosters connections, collaborations, and relationships to support students’ success.

We are also career-focused and results-oriented. Adults who learn through TAWC programs are capable of being resourceful contributors to our increasingly interdependent world. Our TAWC curriculum allows students to map out their educational and career journey by customizing a course of study with a choice of majors, minors, and selected certificates. Classes include accommodations for diverse learning styles, needs, and goals.


This is a color photo of a group of women standing in a circle with their hands together in the middle.
2019 graduates comes together to celebrate during the annual Rose Ceremony.


The American Women's College Teaching and Learning Handbook Copyright © by The American Women's College. All Rights Reserved.

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