Graduates of the Doctor of Health Science are expected to:

  • Validate one’s own personal leadership practices and recognize a leader’s influence on healthcare effectiveness
  • Organize and evaluate strategic practices based on various theories, models, and approaches for achieving healthcare transformation
  • Analyze and evaluate the role of ethical leadership in planning and guiding the change process
  • Examine the dynamics of power and politics on the delivery of healthcare, with a focus on the interrelationships of leadership, human capital, vision, and transformational change
  • Differentiate the characteristics of skilled practitioners who use evidence based medicine in support of the change process
  • Critique practices for building leadership capacity, coalitions and constituent support while working with resistance and conflict
  • Develop a solid foundation through the integration of theory and practice to implement a planned change process in health services delivery
  • Design and complete independent research projects using advanced methodologies on the individual, social and healthcare delivery system factors influencing health and/or academic outcomes
  • Translate evidence-based interventions and programs into health practice and policy through dissemination and implementation of scientific methodologies


Grad template Copyright © by Robert Kelley. All Rights Reserved.

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