Bay Path University recognizes the professional, academic, and personal experiences adult learners bring to the classroom environment. Because we value and want to affirm the diverse ways adults learn, the University offers the Prior Learning Assessment (PLA) process to undergraduate adult students. This handbook will help you understand the various ways you can earn college-level credit from your life experiences and the process you must follow to be successful in the course.
The Prior Learning Assessment (PLA) process provides you with a framework for articulating your college-level experiential learning. The PLA instructor will help you to identify the college-level knowledge you have gained from your experiences by utilizing methodologies that enhance your ability to think conceptually and analytically.
Through PLA, you will identify, categorize, and organize your knowledge and skills. You will learn how to prepare a Portfolio that aligns this knowledge with college-level courses; Bay Path University uses a course equivalency system as the basis for all claims for credit. The Bay Path University Prior-Learning process bases itself on the national standards established by the Council for Adult and Experiential Learning (CAEL). Your course textbook will identify these guidelines.
The preparation of a Portfolio requires a substantial commitment of time and effort. The Portfolio is both a process and a product. The awareness of individual achievement and the potential of receiving college credit can be motivating. As a product, the portfolio is a compilation of documents to include your resume, an autobiographical narrative, written claims for credit, and other required supporting documentation. Students will submit portfolios electronically to the Coordinator of Prior Learning Assessment. The Prior Learning Assessment Course will teach the process of creating and submitting a portfolio.
Upon successful completion of the PLA course (achieving a grade of C- or better and the submission of a portfolio consisting of one completed claim for credit), the student’s portfolio will be submitted for assessment. This first portfolio submission assessment is at no additional charge to the student. (There are fees associated with the assessment and transcription of any additional prior learning credits. Please see the discussion of fees later in this handbook.) If a student chooses to pursue additional claims, a final portfolio submission, consisting of any additional claims, will be due at least four (4) months prior to the anticipated date of graduation. This will allow for timely review and possible revisions to a portfolio. Because expected dates of graduation vary, students wishing to participate in the prior learning process must pay particular attention to the possible time constraints when planning for graduation. As a guideline, students with less than six months until graduation may not be good candidates for this process.
During the PLA course, you will learn ways to earn college credit through the College-Level Examination Program (CLEP), Challenge Exams, Professional Trainings, and Claim-for-Credit essays. Prior to enrolling in the prior learning course, interested students should begin by reviewing their degree audit with their advisor. Each degree program at Bay Path University has its own set of Core, Major, and General elective requirements. Not all programs will be a good fit for the prior learning process; some programs may not be able to accommodate any prior learning credits. For those courses that do qualify, 36 credits are the maximum a student may earn through this process. The credits that students earn through Prior Learning Assessment are comprised of the following sub-category limits:
- CLEP Exams – 12 credits maximum
- Challenge Exams – 6 credits maximum
- Portfolio/Claim Credits – 36 credits maximum
Only Challenge Exam credits apply toward the 30-credit residency requirement. The application process for the prior learning course requires that interested students discuss the availability of prior learning credits with their advisor before enrolling in the course. Once enrolled in the course, the PLA Coordinator and your PLA250 instructor will guide you through the steps of the PLA process. *Students on academic warning cannot enroll in PLA250 until they are in good standing.
- The goals of the Prior Learning Assessment course are to:
- Assist you with an assessment of your personal knowledge, skills, and abilities so that you can gain credits for your college-level knowledge;
- Offer guidance in clarifying your academic and career goals;
- Support you in your growth as you continue to develop your leadership, technology, and communications skills;
- Guide you through the PLA process, policies, procedures and timelines;
- Expose you to prominent adult learning theories and concepts; and
- Coach you on your individual degree requirements including how to interpret your degree audit.