
The Prior Learning Assessment (PLA250)

The Prior Learning Assessment course examines adult development theories and the ways that people learn through a range of experiences. Finding and writing about college-level learning acquired through experiences is not easy. Students will learn how to analyze their personal knowledge, skills, and abilities and align this knowledge with college courses through the development of a comprehensive experiential learning portfolio. This course follows the CAEL standards and is required for students who want to gain credit for prior learning (3 credits).

The PLA Course Learning Objectives/Outcomes

  • Demonstrate techniques involved with evaluating your lifelong learning experiences by converting them to college-level learning credits
  • Explain adult development theories and how they apply to the learning
  • Define the concepts of professional competencies and professional identity
  • Improve communication and interpersonal skills in an online environment
  • Document academic, professional and personal achievements by creating a comprehensive portfolio.
  • Understand the concept of theory and practice of learned experiences.

The Prior Learning Assessment (PLA) course is similar to other online courses, as it will require forum participation, writing assignments and quizzes. PLA is a writing-intensive course requiring the student to engage in a good deal of writing over a six-week period. To be successful in this process, students will need to submit the required writing pieces in a timely manner because each assignment grows out of the previous one. Students must receive a passing grade on all class assignments before submitting a Portfolio for review. Your course instructor will provide you with valuable initial feedback about the clarity, presentation, and construction of the Portfolio.

In addition, students will have access to a writing tutor in order to satisfy the course objectives, which must be met for college-level learning. Acceptance of your portfolio for review is not a guarantee that expert assessors will approve claims for credit. (An example of the required structure of a Portfolio is located in Appendix A.) As a recommendation, students should take no more than one additional course while enrolled in the prior learning course. *Students on academic warning cannot enroll in PLA250 until they are in good standing.

Remember: The maximum of 36 total credits earned through Prior Learning Assessment is comprised of the following sub-category limits:

  • CLEP Exams                              12 credits maximum
  • Challenge Exams                      6 credits maximum
  • Portfolio/Claim Credits            36 credits maximum

Only Challenge Exam credits apply to the 30-credit residency requirement.

Note: The PLA250 course does not count towards the 36 total credits.


Student A: took CLEPS (12 credits) and both challenge exams (6 credits). This allows Student A to claim out of 18 credits / 6 courses. Student B: took no CLEPS but took 1 challenge exam (3 credits). This allows Student B to claim out of 33 credits / 11 courses.     Student C: did not take any CLEPS or challenge Exams.  This allows Student C to claim out of 36 credits /12 courses.



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Prior Learning Assessment Handbook Copyright © by Bay Path University is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.