

Best Practices for Assignments

Criteria for Success:

Writing research papers at the college level, and in APA format is a continuous process. Practice, feedback, and utilizing resources is essential.  Remember that we are here support through the process and help you refine your writing.

Academic Writing 101

The Writing Process

How to view Instructor Feedback in Canvas

Work with Tutor.com OR schedule a zoom with a Bay Path Academic Coach

Research and APA resource sites

Consider developing a “template” that you can use for all papers and/or presentations. While the content will change, the formatting will already be done for you.

APA Style Paper Format

APA Refresher – Formatting

The following is a general guide, however you must review and follow the assignment requirements listed in your course:

If not writing a paper, review Presentations with Voiceover or Presentations

1. Title page

2. Pick at least 4 sources from the learning materials provided in the course (or your own) to incorporate/cite throughout.

3. Begin with an opening paragraph to present to the reader what will be presented.

4. Fully answer all questions and ensure you are summarizing the research in your own words.

5. Include 1-2 paragraphs per topic/questions with in text citations. Ensure you have correctly introduced sources and embedded in-text citations

6. Include transition sentences to introduce/connect to each topic.

7. End with a closing paragraph to summarize what was presented.

8. Include APA Reference page at the end

9. Check for spelling/grammatical errors

10. Work with Tutor.com or schedule a zoom with Student Academic Support Services for feedback prior to submitting.

11. Any questions? Please ask!!


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