Written Assignment Guidelines

Below are recommended guidelines for written assignments to ensure earning full points:

  • Review assignment and rubric and clarify with the instructor if you have any questions
  • Choose a minimum of 3 sources that you will incorporate
  • Set up paper in a Word Document and note the APA formatting feature located on the ‘References’ tab (typically at the top) – type Reference page and use the ‘Insert Citation’ feature as you write your paper
  • Identify all that is being asked to address and formulate an outline
  • Set up paper – if there are 3 topics to write about make sure there is the following:
    • Title Page
    • Opening Statement (introduce what will be covered)
    • 3 paragraphs covering each topic
    • Summary (summarize key takeaways of what was covered)
    • Reference page
  • Ensure that all sources used are incorporated into what you are writing and cited.
  • Compare the rubric against your work to ensure earning full points

It is strongly encouraged to work with Tutor.com (available in Canvas class 24 hours) before submitting. You will get feedback that will help you edit your paper and refine your writing skills, as well as ensure you earn full points.


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