Carolina Science Online – Student Introduction

This course contains Carolina Science Online lab manuals which are linked in the Canvas modules for each week in which a Carolina lab experiment is assigned.

In each week with a Carolina lab, you will be expected complete an experiment while following along with and filling out the lab manual in Carolina’s Gateway platform. When you’ve finished, you will be asked to download the Lab Notebook as a PDF and submit that file to Canvas for grading.

Carolina’s Student User Guide contains lots of helpful information to help you get started including how to navigate the platform, how to upload pictures to your Lab Notebook, and how to submit your Lab Notebook (follow steps for “Downloading the Lab Notebook as a PDF”).

You may also view the following intro video:

Note that you will always access Carolina Gateway labs from the “Lab Manual” links in your Canvas Classroom, and you must download your Lab Notebook and upload it to Canvas to get credit for your work!


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Course Resources Copyright © by The American Women's College is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.