Statement on ethical use of Generative AI tools (ChatGPT) in this class

We want to introduce you to a valuable resource that can enhance your learning experience: ChatGPT.  As part of your coursework IN THIS CLASS, you will have the opportunity to use ChatGPT for several assignments. While this tool can be a valuable resource, it is important to understand its ethical and appropriate use, as well as the boundaries of academic integrity.

How ChatGPT Can Be Useful:

ChatGPT is an artificial intelligence language model designed to assist with various tasks. Here’s how it can benefit your college experience:

  • Enhanced Learning: ChatGPT can provide instant explanations, examples, and insights into complex topics, making it easier to understand challenging concepts.
  • Research Aid: Use ChatGPT to find relevant sources, generate ideas, and explore different perspectives, especially when working on research projects.
  • Individualized Assistance: ChatGPT offers personalized responses, addressing your specific questions and learning needs.
  • 24/7 Availability: It’s accessible round the clock, allowing you to seek help outside of regular class hours, fostering self-paced learning.
  • Creative Writing and Ideation: It can stimulate your creativity by generating ideas or brainstorming
  • Real-world Skills: Familiarity with AI technologies is increasingly valuable in the job market, and using ChatGPT can prepare you for future careers.

Ethical and Appropriate Use:

While ChatGPT is a powerful tool, it must be used responsibly and ethically:

  • Supplemental Aid: Use ChatGPT to supplement your learning, not replace it. It should support your efforts, not serve as a shortcut.
  • Citation: If you directly quote or paraphrase ChatGPT responses in your assignments, cite them just like any other source. How to cite ChatGPT. (McAdoo, 2023) Failure to do so constitutes plagiarism and violates Bay Path’s Academic Integrity policy.
  • Academic Integrity: Collaborate within the boundaries set by your instructor, and follow guidelines for using ChatGPT during exams or quizzes.

Limitations of ChatGPT and Generative AI:

While ChatGPT is a powerful tool, it’s not without limitations. It’s important to be aware of these limitations:

  • Inaccurate Information: ChatGPT can sometimes provide incorrect or outdated information, so always verify critical facts from reliable sources.
  • Lack of Context: It may not fully understand the context of your coursework, which could result in irrelevant or confusing responses.
  • No Original Thinking: ChatGPT doesn’t have original thoughts or opinions; it generates responses based on patterns in the data it was trained on.
  • Bias: Like all AI models, ChatGPT can exhibit bias, which means it might not always provide a balanced perspective on certain topics.

Respect for Instructor Policies:

It’s essential to note instructors have differing opinions about how or even whether students should use AI tools like ChatGPT in their courses. If another instructor explicitly forbids its use, you must respect their decision. Each course and instructor may have specific rules and guidelines, and it’s crucial to adhere to them.

In summary

ChatGPT can be a valuable ally in your academic journey, but it should be used mindfully. Embrace its potential to enhance your learning, but always maintain academic integrity by citing it properly and respecting your instructor’s guidelines.

If you have questions about using ChatGPT or concerns about academic integrity, don’t hesitate to reach out to your instructor for guidance. (ChatGPT, personal communication, September 5, 2023).

American Psychological Association (2023, April 7). How to cite ChatGPT. APA Style Blog.

OpenAI. (2023). ChatGPT (August 3 version) [Large language model].


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