Academic Posters
Here are five suggestions that will help you create a great poster and maximize the benefits of presenting in this format:
1. Let It Flow, Let It Flow
A great poster has a logical flow to it. An on-looker should be able to follow the intent of the poster. In a more formal scientific-style poster, the material that is on the left side would be the set-up. Here one would find the purpose of the research depicted on the poster, the research questions, and the methodology used. The center area on the poster usually displays the data results of the study. The right side is where one finds the interpretations of the data and the conclusions of the study. The bottom right is typically where the bibliography would reside and any acknowledgments such as funding sources.
2. Follow the Rules, Break the Rules
A poster that is entered in a competition should make sure to include all of the elements specified by the competition rules. Reading and understanding the rules will make certain that your poster will receive all of the points that are assigned for specific areas. However, there is room for creativity. For example, a vertical format poster (think portrait as opposed to landscape) can make a poster distinctive. One creative poster was constructed of 6 separate posters assembled with wooden slats. It followed the rules for special dimensions, yet made a distinctive and effective presentation.
3. Pictures Tell the Story
Images not only are an important way to display data, they also are a crucial design element. Appropriate charts and graphs are typical of good posters, but sometimes a photographic image or an illustration will say something that numbers cannot. Images should be really good photos or very simple charts or graphs. Do not overload your images with information as they will lose their effectiveness in attracting people to stop at your poster.
4. Clean, Simple Fonts
Nothing makes a poster look more cluttered than the use of inappropriate fonts. Using fonts such as Arial, Franklin Gothic, and Futura make a poster look nice, but they are also very readable. Do not mix fonts. You can use Bold and Italic, or slightly different versions of a font family to call attention to the elements of your poster in terms of its flow. Also, avoid using all capital letters – upper and lower case makes for easier reading. Keep in mind that your poster will first be viewed by people who are “shopping” for topics of interest and will not initially be very close to your poster. Your headline at the top must be large enough for people to easily ready it from a distance of five to ten feet.
5. Engage During and After the Session
The real beauty of a poster presentation is that only those who care about the topic are likely to come and visit with you during a presentation session. This one-on-one engagement can yield some of the richest experiences possible for both the presenter and that audience of one who cares about the content. Be certain to have a handout that gives more depth than the posters could ever present. The handout is where you can go into detail about your project or research. And, don’t forget your business cards.
The following video outlines the steps needed to develop an academic poster:
“Introduction to Poster Development.” By Odyssey Learning Project. Retrieved from: Licensed under: CC-BY
“5 Steps to a Killer Poster Presentation.” By Lawrence G Miller. Retrieved from: Licensed under: CC-BY-SA