

This guide is born out of a sense of urgency around diversity, equity, and inclusion in the constantly changing landscape of higher education. It can be used in synchronous and asynchronous environments, and is shared with an open license. Feel free to adapt or remix the content for your own purposes.

Faculty and Instructional Designers have a lot to learn from each other, and they need to collaborate in order to meet the demands of this constantly changing landscape. This guide, along with the included exercises and associated resources help facilitate both providing strategies for Faculty/Instructional Designer partnership.

With the future of higher education in flux, especially in more niched settings such as all-women and historically black colleges and universities, this type of collaboration between faculty and instructional designers is not only a positive step, but highly encouraged.

The 2023 version of this guide includes the same three chapters as the 2021 version:

  1. Reflections on Teaching and Learning
  2. Exercises and Activities
  3. Resources and References

However, exercises have been updated or modified to provide more “just in time” rather than “just in case” resources.

In the world of higher education as with most professions, compassion fatigue is a real thing. Through synchronous and asynchronous professional development models, this guide is designed to, ideally, foster more collaboration between faculty and instructional design teams and reduce fatigue and silos in order to push first-tier experiences to students in online, on-ground, and hybrid classrooms.

Read more about compassion fatigue in the world of higher education.

“It is incumbent on higher education to mobilize the power of knowledge and moral leadership to combat the malaise of white supremacy to prepare the next generation of leaders to not repeat the cycle of perpetual harm and trauma we are seeing today.”

Excerpt From: Tia Brown McNair. “From Equity Talk to Equity Walk.”


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To the extent possible under law, Bay Path University has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to Grow Your Own Instructional Designer Workshop Guide, except where otherwise noted.