
Genetically Modified Organisms (Video)


Farmers have been modifying plant and animal species for thousands of years. If you have planted a garden or flower beds, you have taken advantage of genetic modification practices. At the garden center or in the seed catalog you chose, for example, plants that are the “healthiest” looking, with the most vibrant colors. These chosen plants then will proliferate, and possibly produce seeds that pass along those traits. Farmers cross breed varieties of animals and plants for the same reasons (desired traits) and in much the same way (selective breeding). For example, the strawberry we consume today is a cross between a native variety from North America and a variety from South America.

The following video explains what genetic engineering is.


GMO – a genetically modified organism, which includes transgenic organisms

Transgenic organism – an organism where genes from one species is transferred into another species.

Bt gene – from a species of soil bacteria, makes a toxin that kills insects.

Yellow (Golden) rice – four genes inserted into rice, so they now make beta carotene a precursor to vitamin A.

Herbicide resistance – when a gene is inserted into a crop that allows that crop to NOT be affected by a herbicide.


“Introduction to Genetic Engineering.” Kahn Academy. Retrieved from https://youtu.be/JNgONZ8Dq9I Licensed under Standard YouTube License


BSC109 – Biology I Copyright © by David Adams. All Rights Reserved.

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