
Program Level Outcome Assessments

This image shows an orange background with small, wooden blocks scattered around. In the center of the image the blocks each have a letter on it and together they read assess.

In order to determine if students are achieving the Program Learning Outcomes, program level assessments are conducted throughout the curriculum.  When considering where and when to conduct a program level assessment, one must consider the bigger picture.  The Program Level Outcomes (PLO) are predetermined by the Program Director/Chair, so Subject Matter Experts will not have to worry about defining those.  Your first step in the process is to identify the program level outcome(s) you would like to assess. Once you have identified the outcome(s), you can work backwards to identify course learning outcomes that directly align with the outcome(s) you would like to assess.  Here are some things to consider as you think about whether or not a program level assessment is appropriate for your course.

  • Where in the curriculum are your program learning outcomes being met?
  • What kinds of assessment(s) are already taking place in the program?
  • At what points in the program do you want to collect data?  Ex. First Year vs. Senior Year
  • How will you conduct your assessment?

If it is determined that a Program Level Assessment is warranted, there are several different approaches you can take.    

  • Culminating Project/Capstone:  A final project or capstone experience designed to demonstrate a students’ ability to integrate the knowledge, skills and attitudes they have acquired throughout their educational journey.  A corresponding rubric with the specific Program Learning Outcome could be used to assess the final project or capstone.
  • Pre-Test/Post-Test:  You may decide to create a pre- and post test to see if students have achieved a particular program outcome.
  • Student Reflection or Self-Evaluation:  You might ask students to describe their progress, using specific examples, towards particular program outcomes.  Part of this activity might include having them apply a Program Level rubric to their own work.



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