
Identifying Course Materials

This image shows a kindle with an eBook showing on the screen, and a stack of books sitting behind the kindle.

Depending on the scope of your project, you will likely be responsible for identifying the learning materials for the course.  In keeping with the spirit of alignment, you want to make sure you are selecting learning materials that will directly support the weekly learning objectives and course learning outcomes.  In backwards design, the learning materials support the objectives; they don’t define them.  The resources in this chapter will help you as you begin to identify new learning materials to align with your weekly learning objectives.

This chapter will cover the final step in the backwards design process: Planning and Identifying Learning Activities and Materials 

This image shows a flow chart of the three phases of backwards design. The first phase requires you to identify your desired results; the second phase is to determine your assessments; and the third phase is to plan your learning materials and activities.


Course Development Handbook Copyright © by The American Women's College. All Rights Reserved.

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